14. September 2017
Our mobile photo documentation is now available with a new, more intuitive user interface.
Get to know and love the new user interface of docma PIX mobile in this blog post.
True beauty comes from within. Who hasn’t heard this saying? But is it always true?
Of course, we also attach great importance to inner values. Not just for our employees. Our solutions also live from their inner values. But not only. Because in our case, the exterior is what constitutes user-friendliness for our users. And this is at least as important to us as a well thought-out set of useful functions.
Our mobile photo documentation now available
Our development team has been working flat out on the new look of our docma PIX mobile. The new version is now available to download from the app stores.
Find out what makes the new docma PIX mobile even more intuitive for you
So that you don’t end up like some Hollywood stars who are unrecognisable after the umpteenth cosmetic surgery, we have summarised the most important optical corrections for you in our blog post. This will ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises for you and that you enjoy using our app even more.
Simplified user guidance – all projects at a glance
In our old app, users first had to select a database (scheme) after logging in. With the new app for image documentation, you can now start directly after logging in in an area that allows you to add projects with just one click.
You can now also easily add new projects via the overview page (take a look at the screenshot of the overview page).
User guidance
User guidance for Android
User guidance with Apple
User guidance for Android
User guidance with Apple
Logically structured interface – And what the flash is all about
The new interface has been structured in a more sensible way, making it even more intuitive to use.
Everything that has to do with the actual ‘doing’ is hidden behind the orange lightning bolt symbol. Users of our docma MM defect management system will already be familiar with the lightning bolt. Here you can upload and download images, assign images to a project from the gallery and take images and serial images with a single click.
You can now also see at a glance whether images are already indexed or not. The small tag icon on the image tells you.
The various filter functions have moved from the bottom left to the top right. There they form a functional unit together with the other settings, which you can now also find on the overview page
New, modern interface
Overview page for Android
Overview page at Apple
Overview page for Android
Overview page at Apple
Central functions bundled by the lightning bolt icon
Functions behind the flash menu on Android
Functions behind the lightning menu at Apple
Functions behind the flash menu on Android
Functions behind the lightning menu at Apple
Filter by date, tags and upload status
Thanks to the new docma PIX mobile version, you can now filter your stored images even more easily and quickly by date, tags and upload status.
Display for Android
Presentation at Apple
Display for Android
Presentation at Apple
Indexing images – now even easier
We have also made the indexing of images using tags even more intuitive and efficient for you. You can now go directly to the indexing page after capturing an image.
Here you can tag an image in the usual way.
Indexing images on Android
Indexing images with Apple
Indexing images on Android
Indexing images with Apple