Interface management mydocma SH for all data networking scenarios

Universal interface instrument

Before companies decide in favour of a particular software, they are inevitably confronted with the question: Do we buy an all-round solution for everything or would we prefer a specialised application? The fact is that customised software is far more efficient and productive – provided it is optimally integrated into the existing IT landscape. This is exactly where our integration management mydocma SH comes in and supports efficient data management through the seamless digitalisation of processes across all system boundaries.

Smooth & secure data exchange with mydocma SH

A lot of important data that is crucial for business processes is already available in existing systems. This data is transferred to the mydocma platform using the integrative SH interface technology and automatically made available in all relevant solutions. Updated information flows back to the internal systems and ensures smooth project processes. Whether address, contract or project information – our automation tool makes error-prone duplicate entries a thing of the past.

mydocma SH - the link between IT systems

  • Our flexible interface management synchronises software applications fully automatically.
  • In the process, mydocma SH accesses the data in read-only mode and “translates” it into the language of the coupled system.
  • The digital integration tool links internal and external cloud or in-house systems.
  • Synchronisation can be time-controlled or via predefined triggers.
  • You will receive a confirmation of receipt once the data transfer has been completed.
  • The system link eliminates redundant input of existing data.
  • Thanks to the smooth transfer, you always have the latest data.

Automatic data transfer instead of tedious data entry

How would you like to use our mydocma SH interface management?

Rental licence+

The rental licence offers you maximum flexibility, a software version that is always up-to-date and simple scalability. Hosting takes place via a certified data centre, which guarantees a high level of data security and data protection. Maintenance and technical support are included in the price, eliminating additional costs and effort. You benefit from minimised downtimes and maximum operational readiness.

Purchase licence+

You acquire the purchase licence with a one-off payment. The locally installed in-house solution runs on your company’s own server and is managed by the in-house IT department, e.g. version control, updates, etc..

Optimally customised data management with mydocma SH

Complex construction projects, numerous stakeholders, many systems. Our interface management is used to create customised connection points between different applications – for seamless interaction and communication in project work. By developing and implementing customised interfaces, we improve the integration of systems, optimise data flows and increase the overall efficiency of the processes involved.

How does the interface configuration work in detail?

  1. Workshop to identify the interfaces:Workshop to identify the interfaces:
  2. Analyse der Anforderungen: The type of data to be transferred and the actions to be performed are determined.
  3. Specification of the interfaces: Standards for inputs, outputs, protocols, data formats, etc. are defined in detail.
  4. Development of the interface design: This can include, for example, the creation of APIs, database connections, user interfaces, etc.
  5. Testing the interfaces: We carry out functional and non-functional tests.
  6. Implementation & integration into the overall system: This includes data mapping and conversion, authentication and authorisation, security checks, etc.

Important application scenarios for mydocma SH interface management

  • Synchronisation of existing company data from leading systems, e.g:
    • Address data
    • Project data
    • Contract data
    • Deficiency data
    • Daily construction reports
    • Pictures
    • Documents
    • Status messages
  • Transfer of documents from your document management system
  • Automatically indexed filing of documents created in mydocma modules
  • Automated forwarding of cost estimates for defect rectification to ERP
  • Transfer of actual project data to a BIM model
  • Comparison of two defect management systems
  • Transfer of daily construction reports to your DMS
  • Transfer of consolidated data from our solutions to a dashboard
  • Automated transfer of all documents from the mydocma platform to a Dropbox folder structure

Shared Data Environment (SDE) - successfully countering data compartmentalisation

A shared data environment is created when there is seamless data sharing and integration between the software used and external sources. Depending on requirements, this may include links to ERP, CRM or DMS solutions, BIM models, construction plans, specialist sources, schedules, project structures, email systems, address databases or image archives. The mydocma SH interface management system ensures that all digital components interact with each other in an organised manner to create an efficient workspace. Consolidation, i.e. the targeted merging of data from different source systems into a functioning overall cycle, takes place in this way.

Main advantages of a shared data environment
No outdated data

  • No outdated data
  • No redundant inputs
  • Error reduction
  • Joint data processing
  • Always up-to-date data records
  • Saving time in project work
  • Reliable data for management decisions

Data silos as a brake on progress: Away from IT islands, towards integrative digitalisation!
Digitalised process chains – implemented with integration tool mydocma SH

To the blog post

Advantages of mydocma SH interface management

Process acceleration

Data is transferred between the systems in real time without delay, which improves the responsiveness of companies.


Once the data has been transmitted, the system automatically sends a confirmation.


mydocma SH is not customised programming, but a configurable interface that enables rapid scaling and adaptation to changing requirements.


Automatic synchronisation means that project and master data are always up to date.


The seamless flow of communication between teams, departments or systems contributes significantly to avoiding misunderstandings, errors & delays.

Resource efficiency

Effective interface management helps to utilise resources such as time, money and manpower efficiently – duplication or unnecessary effort is avoided.

Thanks to mydocma SHARE, the entire project team speaks one and the same language.


Holger Kroß, Project Manager

Since the intelligent interlinking of processes and systems, we ensure the highest quality of documentation and service with significantly less work than before.

Bayerische Hausbau

Kilian Seestaller, Asset Manager

Thanks to mydocma SHARE, the entire project team speaks one and the same language.


Holger Kroß, Project Manager

Since the intelligent interlinking of processes and systems, we ensure the highest quality of documentation and service with significantly less work than before.

Bayerische Hausbau

Kilian Seestaller, Asset Manager

Would you like to ensure smooth workflows across system boundaries?
We will be happy to provide you with detailed information about mydocma SH.