A 44 Wommen

Project data
Executing company:
Josef Rädlinger Group of Companies
A 44 Riedmühle - Wommener triangle
April 2025
Software used:
mydocma RP Building documentation
Project description
The A 44 is intended to close the gap in the federal motorway network between the A 7 near Kassel and the A 4 near Wommen. Over the next few years, the Josef Raedlinger Group will be carrying out extensive construction work over a total length of nine kilometres between the Riedmühle viaduct and the Wommen triangle: Earthworks, drainage and superstructure work as part of the construction of the traffic facilities including the subordinate road network, the construction of six rainwater retention basins including the associated drainage systems, the construction of eleven new bridges and the completion work on four existing bridge structures as well as the laying of new municipal supply lines are just some of the services included in this comprehensive major project. However, aspects relevant to species and nature conservation must also be taken into account in order to preserve biodiversity in the best possible way. These include, for example, the construction of bat and wildlife protection fences as well as extensive amphibian guidance systems, amphibian passages and structures under the motorway as “bat subways”.