Four Frankfurt

Project data
Groß & Partner Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
UNStudio, Amsterdam und HPP Architekten, Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
expected 2023/2024
Software used:
mydocma RP for construction documentation and mydocma PX for image management
Project description
In the centre of Frankfurt’s banking district, one of the most spectacular high-rise ensembles in Germany is being built on the former Deutsche Bank site – the FOUR Frankfurt. The 228 metre-high office tower sends out an architectural signal: with 55 storeys, it rises prominently next to the Commerzbank Tower and the Main Tower – and significantly shapes the face of the Frankfurt skyline. The four buildings will house over 600 flats, the highest office floors in the country, a lifestyle hotel, a day care centre and an urban mix of retail outlets, local amenities and restaurants.
The FOUR Frankfurt opens up the area to all sides of the city centre and at the same time integrates the listed facades in Junghofstrasse with sensitivity. On the roof of the base of the building connecting all the towers, a publicly accessible garden at a height of around 25 metres invites people to linger.