Complexity under control
with uniform structures. For more order.

Defects management is a complex issue. Each project has data for different topics. From the project’s room book to company and project participant lists to tenants, users, owners and administrators. Without uniform structures and networking of information, it is not possible to operate defects management processes efficiently.

With mydocma MM you use company-wide standardized structures. This starts with a uniform company base and ends up with universal classifications. This creates the basis for strategic defects management and generates meaningful key figures and evaluations.

docma MM - Strukturierte Ablage - Unternehmensstruktur abbilden

Map corporate structure
The structure tree

The structure tree is the core of our defects management solution. Whether as a project solution or company-wide deployment. It gives you a quick overview or else you can jump right into the detail. All projects can be assigned to corporate divisions or branches. So you can evaluate complete divisions with a single click.

Find information fast
With quick search

A search and filter line is displayed directly above the defects table. The defects list reduces down to defects found while you are typing. It is possible to break the defects displayed down into all of the different types of content possible through drag-and-drop using the grouping function.

docma MM - Strukturierte Ablage - Informationen schnell finden
docma MM - Strukturierte Ablage - Mängel strukturiert erfassen

Record defects in a structured manner
Use existing standards

Defects input is very easy in mydocma MM. In just a few steps, you can allocate the relevant location, the company and images. The selection lists are provided in order to categorize the defect, e.g. as an execution defect or a warranty defect and are available in the same way for all projects.

Read here how to record defects on the move:
App for Defects Management